vca-cli and vCloud Director 8.20

It’s been a while since my last post and a few things happened since then. Among others, the release of vCloud Director 8.20 for Service Providers. The latest version of vCloud Director is fully supported by vca-cli (vCloud Air Command Line Interface). This post provides several examples of using vca-cli with vCD 8.20 for performing common tasks.


To run the examples in this post, you need an account on a vCloud Director 8.20 instance and a machine with Python and PyPi (macOS, Linux or Windows).


Start by opening a console and install vca-cli:

$ pip install --user vca-cli

That should install the latest version of vca-cli (18 at the time of writing). In this version we added the vcd command alias, so vca-cli can be invoked with using the vca or vcd commands available after the installation.

$ vcd --version

vca-cli version 18 (pyvcloud: 16)

If a previous version of vca-cli is already installed, upgrade to the latest with:

$ pip install --user vca-cli --upgrade


The following command logs the user to a vCloud Director 8.20 instance. The required parameters for the login command are username, password, host and org (organization). Since this is a development vCD instance with self-signed certificates, we need to add the -i (insecure) flag to the login and to every command connecting to that vCD host.

$ vcd -i login usr1 \
      --password mysecretpass \
      --host \
      --org org1

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
User 'usr1' logged in, profile 'oc1'
Password encrypted and saved in local profile. Use --do-not-save-password to disable it.
Using VDC 'o1vdc1', profile 'oc1'

Looking Around

Once we logged in, we can retrieve the details of the current organization:

$ vcd -i org info

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
Details for instance:org 'None':'org1', profile 'oc1':
| Type       | Name                                 |
| Org Id     | fddeb52e-cdca-4f77-8b7f-ef5f899d604c |
| Org Name   | org1                                 |
| catalog    | mycatalog                            |
| orgNetwork | onet100                              |
| vdc        | o1vdc1                               |

Note: If the -i flag is missing when connecting to a self-signed certificates instance, vca-cli will reply with Not logged in message.

We can take a look at the current organization virtual datacenter:

$ vcd -i vdc info

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
Details of Virtual Data Center 'o1vdc1', profile 'oc1':
| Type              | Name            |
| gateway           | gw1             |
| network           | onet100         |
| vApp              | cnt             |
| vAppTemplate      | centos-7-x86_64 |
| vdcStorageProfile | *               |
Compute capacity:
| Resource    |   Allocated |   Limit |   Reserved |   Used |   Overhead |
| CPU (MHz)   |           0 |       0 |          0 |   2000 |          0 |
| Memory (MB) |           0 |       0 |          0 |   2048 |         34 |

list the templates in the catalog:

$ vcd -i catalog

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
Available catalogs and items in org 'org1', profile 'oc1':
| Catalog   | Item            |
| mycatalog | centos-7-x86_64 |

the virtual machines running:

$ vcd -i vm

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
Available VMs in 'o1vdc1', profile 'oc1':
| VM   | vApp   | Status     | IPs           | Networks   |   vCPUs |   Memory (GB) | CD/DVD   | OS                      | Owner   |
| cnt  | cnt    | Powered on | | onet100    |       2 |             2 |          | CentOS 4/5/6/7 (64-bit) | usr1    |

and the networks configured in the datacenter:

$ vcd -i network

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
Available networks in 'o1vdc1', profile 'oc1':
| Name    | Mode      | Gateway         | Netmask       | DNS 1           | DNS 2   | Pool IP Range                |
| onet100 | natRouted | | | |         | |

Using Virtual Machines

To power off a running virtual machine, use the vapp command:

$ vcd -i vapp power-off --vapp cnt

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
| Start Time          | Duration      | Status   |
| 2017-04-14 10:26:04 | 0 mins 9 secs | success  |

Let’s check the current status:

$ vcd -i vm

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
Available VMs in 'o1vdc1', profile 'oc1':
| VM   | vApp   | Status      | IPs           | Networks   |   vCPUs |   Memory (GB) | CD/DVD   | OS                      | Owner   |
| cnt  | cnt    | Powered off | | onet100    |       2 |             2 |          | CentOS 4/5/6/7 (64-bit) | usr1    |

It is powered off, we can now power the VM on:

$ vcd -i vapp power-on --vapp cnt

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
| Start Time          | Duration      | Status   |
| 2017-04-14 10:27:38 | 0 mins 4 secs | success  |

And check its status:

$ vcd -i vm

InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
Available VMs in 'o1vdc1', profile 'oc1':
| VM   | vApp   | Status     | IPs           | Networks   |   vCPUs |   Memory (GB) | CD/DVD   | OS                      | Owner   |
| cnt  | cnt    | Powered on | | onet100    |       2 |             2 |          | CentOS 4/5/6/7 (64-bit) | usr1    |


vca-cli supports the latest vCloud Director version 8.20. In this post I provided some usage examples. In future posts I will cover other aspects of vca-cli with vCloud Director, including some upcoming features. More information about vca-cli can be found in the project wiki and in some of my previous posts.

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